Chasing Log4Shell with an Automation Mindset

When zero-day vulnerabilities hit, it often feels like we have zero time to figure out the risk to our systems.

Take the recent Log4Shell vulnerability as an example. By the way, Rundeck is a Java-based application, and older versions were subject to this vulnerability.  If you have not yet updated to Rundeck 3.4.8 or later, please do so now.

In this blog I will show you how Rundeck can be a force multiplier in helping teams quickly identify systems that need attention and take action where needed.

Here I have a lab environment that we’ll use to walk through the thought process of chasing down Log4Shell vulnerable systems.

In our lab environment, there are two Linux nodes.  We aren’t sure if there are any vulnerable packages on these systems, so let’s find a way to scan them.

Our team did some research and settled on scanning with a tool provided by LunaSec. (Note: This isn’t necessarily an endorsement or recommendation.  This is one of MANY tools that could be used. We are simply using this for demonstration purposes only).

Since this tool is new to us, we’ll start using Rundeck’sAdHoc Commands feature to get the binary onto a single Linux box.  In our Commands windows, we’ll run these against a single node. (NODE1)


should get it onto our system

Let’s rename that to something easier to call

mv log4shell_1.3.1-log4shell_Linux_x86_64 log4shell

… and make it executable

sudo chmod 755 log4shell

Now let’s test it using the syntax from the Lunasec docs.

sudo log4shell s /

In our video demo, it was able to find some planted vulnerable packages on Node 1.

So in quick order, we’ve used AdHoc Commands to install a scanning tool and identify a concern on our first node.

The next step would be to take these same steps and turn them into jobs which can be reused across a wider set of nodes and in the future.  We can view all the commands we ran in the Activity tab and combine those into jobs with additional logic as needed.

We split the work into two jobs.  One installs the log4shell command in /usr/bin so it can be run by anyone on the node.

The main script will check for vulnerabilities in any specified directory using the log4shell command.  If the command is missing or hasn’t been installed yet, this job will call the installation job to run the install script, then it will complete the scan.

The script will fail a Node if the script returns vulnerabilities, and pass the Node if it’s safe.  Running it, we can see Node1 still fails due to our planted vulnerable Log4j files.  But Node2 is healthy.  Once we clean up Node 1, the job will pass successfully.

This automated diagnostic of which servers are vulnerable provides a first step towards remediation.  How to fix each one depends on its own unique scenario, but of course Rundeck could help, too.  For now, we could schedule this job to regularly scan any hundreds of systems to ensure they are healthy. If the job ever fails, use a Job Notification to open an incident in PagerDuty and notify the proper individuals.

So…go forth and automate!

Below is code for the two jobs used in the video demo*

As a followup bonus, check out this learning article that can be used with a Rundeck Health Check to look for nodes that might have the vulnerability and highlight that in the nodes listing.

*These jobs are provided as examples only to illustrate a design pattern and are not intended to provide security for any environment.  Since this was recorded  LunaSec may have issued newer versions of the tool so be sure to adjust the jobs for the latest version.

You might also notice that when scanning Rundeck 3.4.8 (you did upgrade to the latest version right!!??) the tool identifies a vulnerability in the Log4j 2.16 package as 2.14.  We have confirmed this is a false positive in Log4Shell and they are working on patching it. Be assured Rundeck 3.4.8 is patched and protected from CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046.  There is also another CVE from 2019 not related to the recent Log4Shell CVEs.

Installation Job

- defaultTab: nodes
  description: ''
  executionEnabled: true
  loglevel: INFO
  name: Scan Directory with Log4Shell
  nodeFilterEditable: true
      excludePrecedence: true
      keepgoing: true
      rankOrder: ascending
      successOnEmptyNodeFilter: false
      threadcount: '1'
    filter: .*
  nodesSelectedByDefault: true
  - label: Directory to Scan
    name: DirectoryPath
    value: /
    ExecutionLifecycle: {}
  scheduleEnabled: true
  schedules: []
    - description: Check Log4Shell Version
          group: ''
          name: Install Log4Shell
          nodeStep: 'true'
          useName: 'true'
          uuid: c89d6ff5-18a8-4165-838d-e7c1fb693c3d
        keepgoingOnSuccess: true
      exec: sudo log4shell -v
    - interpreterArgsQuoted: false
      script: |-
        if log4shell s --json @option.DirectoryPath@ 2>&1 | grep -q -E '(44228|45046)'
          echo "Found vulnerable to Log4Shell"
          log4shell s @option.DirectoryPath@ 2>&1
          exit 1;
      scriptInterpreter: sudo
    keepgoing: false
    strategy: node-first

Scanning Job

- defaultTab: nodes
  description: ''
  executionEnabled: true
  loglevel: INFO
  name: Scan Directory with Log4Shell
  nodeFilterEditable: true
      excludePrecedence: true
      keepgoing: true
      rankOrder: ascending
      successOnEmptyNodeFilter: false
      threadcount: '1'
    filter: .*
  nodesSelectedByDefault: true
  - label: Directory to Scan
    name: DirectoryPath
    value: /
    ExecutionLifecycle: {}
  scheduleEnabled: true
  schedules: []
    - description: Check Log4Shell Version
          group: ''
          name: Install Log4Shell
          nodeStep: 'true'
          useName: 'true'
          uuid: c89d6ff5-18a8-4165-838d-e7c1fb693c3d
        keepgoingOnSuccess: true
      exec: sudo log4shell -v
    - interpreterArgsQuoted: false
      script: |-
        if log4shell s --json @option.DirectoryPath@ 2>&1 | grep -q -E '(44228|45046)'
          echo "Found vulnerable to Log4Shell"
          log4shell s @option.DirectoryPath@ 2>&1
          exit 1;
      scriptInterpreter: sudo
    keepgoing: false
    strategy: node-first

If you don’t already have a PagerDuty account, sign up for a free Guided Rundeck Trial today

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Debug production errors fast

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See what’s next

As we continue to strengthen the connection between New Relic One and your IDE, we’ll keep delivering deep, rich experiences that make it easier for you to take action. One such experience will be Pixie Dynamic Logging. Logs are essential for debugging in production, especially given the unpredictability of production errors. But parsing through that volume of data can be inefficient.

Using New Relic CodeStream, developers with Go projects who have set up Pixie in New Relic One will be able to add production logging on the fly and surface results directly in the IDE. Accessing dynamic logs in the IDE closes the loop in the all-too-critical troubleshooting workflow and makes the logs that developers use when debugging their Go application more useful.

Next steps

If you want to evaluate New Relic CodeStream, sign up for a New Relic account today.

Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management (PEDM) Explained

What Is Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management (PEDM)?

Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management (PEDM) is a type of Privileged Access Management (PAM). PEDM provides greater security than traditional PAM methods, allowing organizations to use granular controls to elevate access privileges for a limited time.

PEDM mitigates the risks associated with over-privileged accounts by allowing IT administrators to grant just-in-time (JIT) access for a limited time and only when needed. JIT leverages the principle of least privilege to reduce the risk of standing privileges, which allow unrestricted access to infrastructure and other IT resources.

Importance of PEDM

With 80% of data breaches stemming from the misuse of privileged access, compromised privileged accounts are prime targets for hackers. Weak cybersecurity practices—such as shared credentials, poor password hygiene, manual access management, and over-privileged accounts—increase the chance that a privileged account could be exploited. PEDM mitigates these risks by ensuring elevated privileges are granted only when needed.

Instead of giving users access to critical systems and infrastructure through ephemeral administrative accounts with root-level privileges, PEDM grants privileged access for a limited time upon request. This ensures users can access only the areas they need to complete a specific task, while eliminating opportunities to exploit accounts that carry permanent privileges.

Benefits of PEDM

Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management offers many benefits, all of which support a stronger security posture. By leveraging the principle of least privilege and just-in-time access, PEDM reduces the risks associated with permanently elevated privileges and widespread use of fully privileged administrative accounts. With PEDM, users get admin privileges only temporarily, preventing them from gaining unrestricted access.

In addition, PEDM enhances security by enabling privilege segregation. IT teams can use granular controls to grant privileges to applications, services, processes, and devices—and they can expand those privileges automatically under certain conditions. PEDM validates self-service elevation requests based on predefined criteria to enable automatic, just-in-time approval.

Finally, Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management reduces vulnerability by minimizing the number of privileged accounts and curtailing the need to use fully privileged administrative accounts that grant access to an enterprise’s entire IT infrastructure or tech stack. The result is a smaller attack surface, as hackers will have fewer vectors to exploit.


There are two types of Privileged Access Management: Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management and Privileged Access Session Management (PASM). While both approaches provide a way to allow just-in-time access to critical infrastructure and applications, sensitive data, and other privileged areas or systems, PEDM and PASM are fundamentally different.

PASM solutions broker shared admin accounts that have root-level privileges. Users who require administrative access to a privileged resource must request permission to use a shared account. If approved, the PASM tool creates a temporary session on the fly using brokered credentials, and then monitors and logs the user’s activity during the session. Because shared admin accounts give users access to the entire system, PASM is less secure than PEDM.

In contrast, Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management manages conventional user accounts, granting individual users only the privileges their respective roles require from day to day. If a user needs additional privileges, a PEDM solution can grant temporary privilege elevation. While PEDM is inherently more secure, PASM and PEDM solutions are complementary. Many organizations use both, reserving PASM for exceptional circumstances.

How Does PEDM Work?

Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management leverages granular access controls to manage individual users’ privileges. It allows privileges to be assigned according to a user’s role. Each user receives the minimum privileges required to do their job. These permissions do not extend to tasks beyond their daily job responsibilities. However, users who need access to critical systems can be granted just-in-time privilege elevation for a limited period.

With PEDM, users automatically gain privileged access through their own accounts upon entering their usual login credentials. Because users cannot access administrative accounts with root-level privileges, PEDM requires less monitoring, reduces the attack surface, and mitigates the risk of errors that could damage critical systems. And because there’s no need to request permission and wait for a manager’s approval, employees can be more productive.

PEDM Best Practices

An effective PEDM strategy should begin with an audit to discover how many privileged accounts an organization has. First, separate the high-level system accounts and administrative accounts from end-user accounts. Then ensure the permissions for all accounts are set appropriately, revoking any unaccounted privileged access. End users should be given the minimum privileges needed to perform their tasks.

Assign default privileges to user accounts based on individual users’ roles. Implement control policies to allow temporary, just-in-time privilege elevation when needed. Establish processes to manage the lifecycles of privileged accounts and carefully track every privileged account and what it may access. Following these principles helps ensure older accounts do not become over-privileged as users advance in their careers or change roles.

Leverage best practices—such as single-use passwords, automated monitoring and logging, and auditing—to make users’ activity discoverable. Record privileged sessions and use Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management tools to detect anomalous activity.

How to Simplify PEDM Implementation with StrongDM

With StrongDM’s People-First Access Platform, you can leverage PEDM to grant users frictionless, just-in-time access and elevate account privileges automatically when the need arises.

StrongDM strengthens your organization’s security by reducing the need to rely on high-risk admin accounts and standing privileges. Employees can gain temporary administrative access to the resources they need when they need them. In addition, StrongDM automatically terminates privileged access when a task is complete.

Upgrade Your Cybersecurity Posture with StrongDM

You can significantly reduce your organization’s attack vector and mitigate the risk of threats by implementing a PEDM strategy that allows just-in-time privilege elevation automatically based on your company’s security policies.

Want to learn more? Get a demo of StrongDM

About the Author

Andrew Magnusson, Director, Global Customer Engineering, has worked in the information security industry for 20 years on tasks ranging from firewall administration to network security monitoring. His obsession with getting people access to answers led him to publish Practical Vulnerability Management with No Starch Press in 2020. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Clark University, an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Connecticut, and an M.S. in Information Management from the University of Washington.

Zero Standing Privileges (ZSP): Everything You Need to Know

 What Are Zero Standing Privileges (ZSP)?

Zero standing privileges (ZSP) is a privileged access management (PAM) strategy where organizations limit access to sensitive data by removing all permanent user access permissions.

ZSP supports zero trust security architecture by developing policies and controls that require users to always verify their identity before gaining access to the company’s IT infrastructure. These policies ensure that users receive access to systems, applications, servers, or other resources “just in time” to complete their daily work.

Just-in-time access (JIT) develops new credentials every time a user requests access to a resource. Then, those credentials are automatically destroyed once the user completes their task. Through this permissions strategy, organizations reduce their attack surface and limit how much data malicious actors can access if they capture an administrator’s credentials.

Zero Standing Privilege vs. Least Privilege Model

We define privileges as the access permissions each user has to different components of a company’s IT infrastructure. The principle of least privilege focuses on allowing the most minimal access users need to perform their day-to-day tasks. The least permissions model is a fundamental component of a zero trust methodology. However, least privileged access still implies that some level of access is still standard for individual users.

Contrarily, zero standing privilege doesn’t assign any baseline access to user identity profiles. Instead, ZSP requires users to request access to any resource, so users can’t use their credentials to sign into any resource without express permission. Eliminating all standing privileges takes cybersecurity a step further by not only verifying the user for every login, but also verifying why the user needs access to the resource to reduce privilege abuse.

Standing Privileges: What Are They and How Are They Created?

Most traditional PAM tools operate by assigning “always-on” privileges for each system to individual users. Many tools also leverage role-based permissions to define which users have permanent access to certain systems. What these tools have in common is that users have constant access—or standing privileges—to resources based on factors like job level or department, not whether that user actually needs access to that resource.

Companies must create dedicated accounts for users and define criteria to help PAM tools determine which resources the user should have ready access to. These accounts often house the user credentials or secrets that allow them ongoing access to these resources. Naturally, these privileges are more expansive for system administrators.

Standing privileges allow users to access resources from anywhere at any time without authorization. Depending on the other security strategies in place, standing privileges may not even require a user to authenticate their identity before authorizing access to a system. While this may be convenient for users, standing privileges pose a substantial risk if malicious actors gain access to user credentials.

Risks of Standing Privileges

Providing permanent access to resources—especially with the rise of remote work—presents a lot of security issues for organizations. As IT environments continue to expand, companies with standing privileges need to constantly define who has access to which resources. This involves ongoing monitoring and management—especially when provisioning and deprovisioning access for new or departing employees—which can be a significant resource drain on an organization.

Even when companies use PAM solutions and vaults to manage passwords, they still pose a risk should those credentials fall into the wrong hands. With standing privileges, anyone who gains those credentials can breach any resource that the user has access to by moving laterally through the network. This is particularly threatening if a bad actor gains access to admin credentials, since an administrator may have extensive permissions for multiple systems or the ability to freely escalate privileges.

Since the impact of a breach can be much greater in an organization with standing permissions, even least privileged access risks are enough to dissuade cyber insurance companies from covering an organization. Traditional PAM solutions don’t offer strong enough security controls to prevent a breach from compromised credentials, so companies need to reimagine how they give users access to the resources they need.

Benefits of Zero Standing Privileges

Zero standing privileges may seem inconvenient for organizations accustomed to traditional PAM solutions. However, since standing privileges require so much work to securely maintain, a just-in-time, least privilege approach may ultimately be less expensive and time-consuming to manage once implemented.

ZSP leverages granular, policy-based security controls to grant users ephemeral access to the resources they need when they need them. The user’s access is automatically removed once they’ve completed their task and the access time limit expires, reducing the time IT teams spend provisioning and deprovisioning access. Limited access can also help an organization qualify for cyber insurance, which reduces the cost an organization must pay in the event of a breach.

One notable benefit of ZSP is the ability to limit excessive administrative user access. Admins often have high privilege levels and maintain too much control within an IT environment, presenting an exploitation risk. The zero standing privilege model prevents users from maintaining access they don’t need and reduces the passwords, secrets, and keys that a company must maintain to remain secure.

Zero Standing Privileges and Just-in-Time (JIT) Access

Just-in-time access makes it possible to implement zero standing privilege. JIT access involves short-term or single-use access to resources by creating ephemeral credentials that expire once the user no longer needs access.

In a JIT workflow, users can easily request access to resources as needed and receive near-instant approval based on role-based or attribute-based access controls. These access controls can be applied to both human and non-human users for better access control.

Sometimes, a request for a new resource or elevated permissions may call for an administrator’s approval. A JIT workflow that’s integrated with a support platform can allow users to explain their need for elevated permissions and have their request approved or denied in moments. Plus, since all requests go through the JIT workflow, organizations can maintain logs and session records for easier auditing, too.

Zero Standing Privileges Best Practices

Building a workflow to support providing just-in-time access is essential to adopt ZSP. Maintaining a robust, modern workflow with your IT support team ensures that users get access when they need it and that there is a comprehensive log of each time users requested permissions. Those logs make auditing and compliance reporting substantially faster and easier.

In these workflows, admins don’t need to personally grant or deny every request. Designing granular attribute-based or role-based access controls streamlines access provisioning by instantly granting a user’s request if they meet the required policy criteria. Admins should focus on strengthening these access controls regularly to reduce manual provisioning and fine-tune who needs access to which resources.

With strong access controls, organizations can eliminate static credentials for individual users and replace them with standing shared accounts. Companies can rotate credentials for these accounts and manage them in a vault to limit the risk of exposed user credentials.

How StrongDM Simplifies Zero Standing Privileges Implementation

StrongDM is a modern PAM solution that helps companies give their users secure, streamlined access to the resources they need. Our comprehensive People-First Access Platform gives teams like yours complete control over who accesses which resources across your entire IT infrastructure—all from one easy-to-use dashboard.

Traditional PAM solutions make achieving zero standing privileges nearly impossible. With StrongDM, organizations can implement zero standing privileges and use just-in-time access to always verify users, ensuring the right users always have the right access at the right times. Slick admin controls help streamline approvals, while on-demand, approval-based access keeps your company agile.

Plus, granular logging and session recording turns cumbersome compliance reporting and monitoring into a piece of cake. StrongDM connects to every element in your tech stack, so you can track, audit and report on every query and action in any directory, application, server, and more. The Infrastructure Access Platform even seamlessly integrates with your chosen SSO and MFA tools, so you can strengthen your access controls without starting all over with new solutions.

Make Zero Standing Privileges a Reality with StrongDM

Creating a full zero trust architecture can be difficult, but managing strict user permissions doesn’t have to be.

StrongDM leaves traditional PAM solutions in the dust, making it simple for your team to give users access only when they need it keeping your organization’s resources secure without slowing productivity. With StrongDM, your organization can easily eliminate thousands of credentials with zero standing privileges and just-in-time access, reducing the risk of a breach and keeping your data secure.

Sign up for a free, 14-day trial today and see just how easy implementing zero standing privileges can be.

About the Author

Andrew Magnusson, Director, Global Customer Engineering, has worked in the information security industry for 20 years on tasks ranging from firewall administration to network security monitoring. His obsession with getting people access to answers led him to publish Practical Vulnerability Management with No Starch Press in 2020. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Clark University, an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Connecticut, and an M.S. in Information Management from the University of Washington.

Centralized and Decentralized Identity Management Explained

What Is Centralized Identity Management?

Centralized identity and access management (IAM) is a framework for storing and managing users’ identity data in a single location. It provides a secure process for identifying, authenticating, and authorizing users who have permission to access a company’s digital assets.

With centralized IAM, users can access all the resources and applications they need to do their jobs by entering only one set of login credentials. Eliminating the need to remember and maintain separate login IDs and passwords for each resource improves the user experience and reduces the risk of cyberattacks. The recent Uber security breach underscores the need for stronger security measures like centralized IAM to prevent hackers from using stolen credentials to gain access to corporate resources and sensitive data.

Centralizing access controls also mitigates the risk of threats by giving IT teams greater visibility into user behavior and system resources. Employee onboarding and offboarding can be automated, making it easy to grant and revoke access.

Benefits of centralized identity management

Centralized identity management consolidates the storage and exchange of users’ login credentials and privileges. Other benefits include

  • A seamless user experience: Using one set of credentials results in less friction, eliminates the need to remember multiple login/password combinations, and minimizes password resets.
  • Consistency: Store data consistently and with fewer errors across all platforms. Log and audit access and user activity automatically.
  • Automated provisioning and deprovisioning: Provision new users quickly with fewer manual errors. Deprovisioning removes a user from all platforms simultaneously, eliminating zombie accounts and preventing threats from bad actors.
  • Streamlined threat mitigation: With better visibility, breaches are easier to detect and isolate.

Challenges of centralized identity management

While centralized IAM strengthens security by providing tighter controls that help prevent unauthorized access, it’s not a perfect strategy.

Critics of a centralized approach often cite the single identity store as the most troubling issue. Relying on a single set of credentials creates a single point of failure. A cybercriminal who successfully hacks a user’s account could gain access to all the resources that user is authorized to access. While this flaw is concerning, organizations can mitigate risk by implementing strong authentication protocols, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) or biometrics.

How does centralized identity management work?

The identity component of centralized IAM consolidates the storage and management of identity data, including each user’s login credentials, roles, and permissions. Storing this information in a central repository simplifies provisioning and deprovisioning and gives IT teams the ability to observe users’ login activity for all resources, regardless of location. With greater visibility, teams can detect threats faster and prevent them from spreading.

The access management component controls the authentication processes used to verify a user’s identity—for example, single sign-on (SSO) or MFA. It also controls the authorization processes that determine whether a user has permission to access a resource.

Centralized identity management examples

When a new employee joins the organization, the IT team gets them set up to access all the resources they need from the dashboard on their desktop using only one set of login credentials. Automatic provisioning grants access to applications, tools, and services based on the employee’s role. The IT team can also give the new user individual permissions or assign the user to categories, such as roles or groups, that carry predefined permissions.

When the employee is promoted later, the IT team will need to update the employee’s group, role, and individual permissions only once, and they’ll enjoy access to all the applications they need for their new role.

Centralized vs. Decentralized Identity Management: What’s the Difference?

With centralized IAM, users can access all the resources they need with just one set of login credentials. A centralized repository stores users’ credentials for authentication and authorizes users to access multiple applications. Users must trust the repository to protect sensitive data.

With decentralized authentication, also known as distributed identity management, users access applications individually using a different set of credentials for each. This model distributes users’ identities across the network, as each application must store and handle its own user data. Decentralized identity management gives users more control but offers companies less visibility.

Centralized or Decentralized: Which One Is Better?

Both have advantages and disadvantages. Centralized identity management allows for less user friction and gives organizations more administrative control. However, a poorly implemented centralized IAM solution introduces a single point of failure.

Decentralized identity management eliminates this single point of failure by distributing data and increasing trust. Decentralized IAM relies on nascent Web3 technologies—specifically blockchain and user-owned, decentralized identifiers (DID). DIDs allow users to control their data and offer a convenient way to authenticate with a wide range of applications, while blockchain’s decentralized ledger provides secure cryptographic storage.

Because there’s no need for consensus across a large network, decentralized solutions are typically less expensive.Despite this advantage, decentralized technologies cannot match the granular administrative control that centralized IAM offers to organizations. Companies that choose a decentralized approach will also sacrifice visibility. Without a clear view of user behavior and system resources, the risk of a breach increases because threats are more challenging to detect.

Leverage Centralized Identity Management with StrongDM

StrongDM centralizes identity management to provide greater security. It helps employees be more productive by giving them timely access to what they need. Team admins can consolidate, manage, and streamline authentication for mission-critical services, including cloud accounts, databases, and Kubernetes.

With StrongDM, companies get visibility into their entire ecosystem from a single space, making it easier to manage user access for better compliance.

Get Smarter Identity Management with StrongDM

As tech stacks expand, teams need modern tools to rein in the overflow. See for yourself how StrongDM can centralize your IAM and make provisioning practical and individualized, all while keeping company data safe. Sign up for a free, 14-day trial today.

About the Author

Schuyler Brown, Co-founder / CCO, began working with startups as one of the first employees at Cross Commerce Media. Since then, he has worked at the venture capital firms DFJ Gotham and High Peaks Venture Partners. He is also the host of Founders@Fail and author of’s “Failing Forward” column, where he interviews veteran entrepreneurs about the bumps, bruises, and reality of life in the startup trenches. His leadership philosophy: be humble enough to realize you don’t know everything and curious enough to want to learn more. He holds a B.A. and M.B.A. from Columbia University.


Top 7 Identity and Access Management (IAM) Solutions for 2023


Consistently rated as one of the best IAM solutions, StrongDM is easy to deploy and makes identity access management simple and accessible. StrongDM’s user-friendly platform helps enterprises streamline authentication, authorization, and networking. It also provides secure access management and visibility across the entire IT infrastructure via a centralized control pane.

StrongDM’s IAM software integrates seamlessly with any existing tech stack—including other IAM tools like single sign-on (SSO) solutions, SIEMS, and more. It eliminates point solutions and manages access across all databases, servers, Kubernetes clusters, and applications. It also simplifies monitoring and maintains detailed query, web, and activity logs with session replays available for easy reporting and auditing.

With StrongDM, it’s easy to align user permissions with corporate security policies and procedures. Plus, enterprises can automate access management tasks, which saves time, money, and IT resources.

StrongDM pros

  • Simplifies onboarding, eliminating the need to provision database credentials, SSH keys, or VPN passwords
  • Provides secure off-boarding, automatically revoking all access
  • Adopts security best practices: least privilege, ephemeral permissions, and audit trails
  • Logs every permission change, database query, SSH, and kubectl command
  • Compatible with any SQL client, CLI, or desktop BI tool

StrongDM cons

  • Requires continuous access to StrongDM API for access to managed resources

CyberArk Identity

The CyberArk Identity Security Platform, formerly known as Idaptive, is a SaaS-delivered suite of solutions that combines workforce access and identity management. CyberArk Identity simplifies access management; automates onboarding and offboarding; and provides lifecycle management, identity orchestration, and Identity Governance and Administration (IGA).

CyberArk’s SSO uses browser extensions to recognize credentials, providing a frictionless experience for cloud, mobile, and legacy applications. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) leverages machine learning to profile behavior and detect anomalies. An extensive API library supports over 150 integrations. CyberArk simplifies operations via a single portal, offers unified auditing to streamline compliance, and provides continuous threat detection and protection.

CyberArk Identity pros

  • Extends protection to endpoints, ensuring only approved devices connect to a network
  • Offers a recording feature that performs process isolation and reauthentication for high-risk sessions
  • Includes customer identity access management (CIAM) developer tools
  • One of the oldest identity and access management vendors

CyberArk Identity cons

  • User interface is difficult to navigate
  • Significantly higher pricing than other identity and access management companies
  • Complex deployment and below-average developer tools
  • No support for progressive profiling or granular consent management
  • Heavy API programming requirements


Acquiring Auth0 in 2021 has made Okta a strong competitor among the top enterprise IAM solutions providers. Okta delivers its workforce-focused platform (Okta Identity Cloud) and its developer-focused identity platform (Auth0) as SaaS products. Okta Identity Cloud is a cloud-based IAM solution that helps enterprises secure and manage their entire IT infrastructure, whether on-premises or in a private, public, or hybrid cloud.

Built on Zero Trust principles, Okta Identity Cloud provides SSO, MFA, password management, passwordless security, analytics, and robust data security to prevent SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and forgery requests. Its extensive API library integrates with myriad popular applications, including Zoom, Slack, and Salesforce. Okta Identity Cloud also includes features to manage IGA.

Okta pros

  • Highly competitive set of IAM tools with a solid reputation for reliability and availability
  • Intuitive and easy to deploy
  • Secure back-end support for APIs and easy integration with a wide range of applications
  • Rich feature set with extensive workflow and developer tools

Okta cons

  • Requires software running on every server it manages access to
  • CLI-only client scares off non-engineers
  • Audit logs only cover SSH
  • Higher than average pricing makes it less accessible to small businesses
  • Confusing to choose between two cloud IAM solutions


BeyondTrust offers a suite of identity and access management tools for approving and revoking user access to critical systems and monitoring activity across a wide range of platforms and devices, including Linux, Windows, Mac, UNIX, and other mobile and cloud apps. BeyondTrust extends the benefits of privileged access management (PAM) to network and cloud environments while eliminating the need for a VPN.

This product suite provides endpoint security and centralized secrets management; secure storage and auditing for privileged account credentials; and remote monitoring, access, and control for all devices regardless of location.

BeyondTrust’s identity and access management solution maintains a video log for auditing user behavior, includes analytics to assist in investigations, and integrates seamlessly with external directories, such as LDAP.

BeyondTrust pros

  • Supports SSH and RDP protocols
  • Supports least privilege access for Unix and Linux servers and Windows and MacOS
  • Supports authentication with AD, LDAPS, RADIUS, and Kerberos
  • Includes REST APIs and CLI tools to streamline development workflows and allow seamless API integrations
  • Established in the endpoint security industry since 1985

BeyondTrust cons

  • No secure way to manage access to databases, Kubernetes clusters, and other internal web applications
  • Complex initial setup
  • License add-ons cost extra
  • High licensing fees compared to other IAM providers

ManageEngine AD360

ManageEngine AD360 is one of the best identity and access management solutions for  Windows Active Directory environments. It provides a broad range of IAM tools on a single console, including 360-degree user provisioning; user behavior analytics; AI-driven access insights; anomaly detection; SSO with self-service password resets; and MFA for VPNs, OWA, cloud applications, and endpoints.

It’s easy to provision and deprovision user accounts and mailboxes in a single operation across multiple platforms and services. Behavior analytics tools help prevent, detect, and remediate anomalies in user behavior. Over 1,000 built-in reports provide data on activities in on-premises and cloud directories and applications, and IT teams can manage identities on-the-fly from within the reports.

ManageEngine AD360 pros

  • Offers straightforward installation and easy integration with a wide range of enterprise applications, including HRMS, SIEM, and ITSM
  • Supports bulk provisioning through customizable user creation templates or by importing user data in CSV format
  • Exports reports in CSV, PDF, HTML, and XLS formats

ManageEngine AD360 cons

  • Complicated user interface can be slow
  • Modular pricing increases costs significantly
  • No solutions for incorporating organizational policies and standards into user password management requirements


Saviynt’s cloud-native workforce identity and access management software focuses on IGA. For enterprises seeking to transition from legacy IGA systems to the cloud, this product is a solid choice. With Saviynt, organizations can stay in compliance with evolving identity governance standards.

Saviynt takes a Zero Trust approach to identity management and leverages privileged access management (PAM) standards. It helps enterprises mitigate risks across their application ecosystem and simplifies access management through granular access controls for applications.

Saviynt pros

  • Provisions users anywhere, anytime, and across any application
  • Narrows gaps in access security and uses analytics powered by AI and machine learning to locate identities that introduce risk
  • Streamlines detection of unexpected violations and segregation of duty (SoD) conflicts across applications
  • Simplifies implementation and offers a user-friendly interface

Saviynt cons

  • Limited integration capability
  • Does not support customizations
  • Limits the number of logs users can access per 24-hour period
  • Poor performance when processing data across applications
  • Costly licensing compared to other IAM products


Twingate offers a cloud-based IAM solution for companies seeking to avoid the security and performance problems associated with Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Twingate replaces traditional VPNs, providing a secure remote access solution built on Zero Trust principles.

Unlike VPNs, Twingate takes a simplified approach to traffic segregation. It provides detailed audit logging, identifies and blocks irregular access patterns, and adds a layer of security. Twingate is ideal for managing access for vendors and contractors and in staging and development environments.

Twingate pros

  • Delivers Zero Trust network access
  • Integrates easily with SSO providers
  • Simplifies change management for IT teams
  • Provides real-time connection logs
  • Can be implemented quickly

Twingate cons

  • Less than ideal for managing access to databases, Kubernetes clusters, cloud CLIs, switches, routers, or internal web applications
  • Tiered pricing choices can be overwhelming
  • Detailed auditing feature is limited to the Enterprise tier

How to Choose the Right IAM Solution

With cloud adoption growing at a breakneck pace, cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated. For example, identity-related fraud nearly doubled between 2020 and 2021. To mitigate risk, modern companies need powerful solutions that simplify identity protection, threat management, and regulatory compliance. This is where the right IAM product can help.

An identity and access management system provides visibility across the entire tech stack, giving organizations a secure way to offer their employees a frictionless user experience. When choosing between IAM solution providers, look for a reliable tool that fits your budget and is highly secure, and easy to implement, use, and customize.

Get IAM Right with StrongDM

StrongDM shines in many areas where its competitors fall short. There’s no need to settle for an IAM solution that’s too narrow in scope, overly complex, or needlessly difficult to use. Precise control, breadth of integrations, and superior user experience make StrongDM a first-rate choice for organizations that need a high-performance identity and access management system.

Want to learn more? Book your demo of StrongDM today.

About the Author

Andrew Magnusson, Director, Global Customer Engineering, has worked in the information security industry for 20 years on tasks ranging from firewall administration to network security monitoring. His obsession with getting people access to answers led him to publish Practical Vulnerability Management with No Starch Press in 2020. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Clark University, an M.A. in Philosophy from the University of Connecticut, and an M.S. in Information Management from the University of Washington.

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